"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better" ~ Albert Einstein

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Everything's Common but the Comb Tooth

Comb Tooth ©Brian Popelier
In the Fall months this white fungus can be found on dead hardwoods and conifers throughout the length of the Bruce Trail.

Common Blue Violet ©Brian Popelier
As the name implies this little blue violet can be found in many places from interior forests to your own backyard.

Common Mullien ©Brian Popelier
These plants are not native to Canada and can often be seen in disturbed areas or roadsides. They can grow up to 2 metres tall and their foliage is extremely fuzzy giving it a whitish appearence.

Common Ringlet ©Brian Popelier
The many open areas along the Trail including meadows and forest edges are home to this little butterfly. They lay their eggs on a variety of grasses which is what this little fella is resting on.

Common Chickweed ©Brian Popelier
Most Chickweeds are introduced species and this one is no exception. This plant grows in fields and lawns and often goes unnoticed as it is a low growing, unshowy flower. For some reason chickens love to eat it so its other common name is Chickenwort.